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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

marital problems

If you are thinking about separation, ask yourself some of the following questions:
are you to the point that your spouse just cant do anything right,does everything they do get under your skin?
does everything lead to an argument?
are you tired of the fighting?so tired, you dont have the energy to even engage anymore?
has the love you felt been replaced by resentment?
would you rather be anywhere than with your spouse?
when you and your spouse are together do you find you have nothing to talk about or that you have little interest in talking to him/her?
does the idea of sex with your spouse cause you to shudder?
are you having an affair or is thinking of having an affair?
are thoughts of having a legal separation runs in your mind on a regular basis?

staying stuck in an unhappy marriage should not be an option for you or your spouse.

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